Category: Inspiration

Inspiration Perseverance Yourself

This is not How my story will end

You are absolutely unique in your thoughts , actions , experiences and choices. There is nobody like you in this world and  there wasn’t anybody like you at any past moment. You decide your your actions and path which will shape your future. You have absolute freedom to say and decide at …
God Gratitude Inspiration Life Problems

Talk more about your blessings

Blessings are uncountable, you need a lot appreciation so why do you leave it to discuss problems. Let your life be full of happiness, thanksgiving & praises. God promised He would never allow your problems to over you. Be sincere & be grateful. ~ Emmanuel Yeboah One should always talk …
Inspiration Life Love

Find your Passion

Sometime our passions are unreachable, too much baggage in the way but I take each day one at a time and continue on. ~ Mary Grace Never really pursued one single passion in your Life. And I’ve really only been existing, and I know it. Never too late. ~ Marj Tudor 
Faith Inspiration Life

You cannot control everything

You can’t make everything perfect or error less, may be it couldn’t see yet absolute but if it is worth pleasant for you no matter what the lacking it has or how much inadequate it is. ~ Dina Ismail Believers don’t care about proof, though, that’s why they call it …