Category: Inspiration
Our mind is a devil which is in constant interaction with all surroundings. We literally have thousands of thoughts filling up our mind with some useful thoughts but most of it with garbage. What to keep and what to keep out is a constant exercise we undertake everyday. When we …
Get rid of trash & negativeness while you cleanse your life for a greater joyful days ahead. The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. ~ Theodore Roosevelt When you open your hand to let something go, it’s in a perfect position to …
Letting go is an act of love for one self. You have to let go of some things in order to be able to grab onto new and greater things in our lives, our thoughts & our dreams. When the one you’re letting go has proven beyond all doubt that …
Stop looking! Love will find you. You will choose the wrong person, when you are not ready. Love yourself and you will never be lonely, then give love to others. When love happens, it happens. We need to be cautious not to lead the other on when we are not …
Everyone has a lesson to learn at what ever stage they are at in their lives. Even the heroin addict. He needs to learn precious valuable lessons. Who knows what they are, Jail, institutions, lets hope not death. Hope he learns his lesson before that. Some never learn it unfortunately …
Some people don’t care how much they hurt other people. That’s the unfairness of life. You concentrate so much on the good that you don’t see the bad coming. ~ Anne Mwangi I once asked the guru, Amrit Desai, why does my heart keep getting broken?” He said, “Our hearts are …