Category: Inspiration
The only place I’ll always wanted to be is in the heart of the one who loves me so much. ~ Bathsheba Limbanganon I will be there, where I belong to, where my heart want. ~ Unknown If you are not happy with yourself, if you can not find happiness in …
Everyone has it’s own story. You never know what someone is going though and they have no idea what you are going though. Try with all that you have to remember this and pray that the other person does the same but remember the only person you can control is …
If they are with you because of money, you don’t want them. They should want to be with you because of your beautiful spirit! I thought it was a dream but things happen when you least expect them! I was going through a messy divorce, took myself to gran canaria …
The heart never forgets, true love never dies, sometimes it hurts when you remember certain people who were in your life and you lost them. ~ Ron Mansell
If you can do something about it, then do it, If you can’t let it go. Never allow the same person to hurt you or make you feel bad! Let go of negative things and people bringing you down. Don’t surround yourself with people who don’t clap when you win. …
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Before you knew it, you’ve been winning inch by inch and you’re making it through. We should never give up in life because what ever comes in our life we should face it bravely rather than running away from …