Category: Hurt
Be the person that you were created to be, walk away and don’t look back, keep your light shine. Start with the positive list about the people if you have to work it out. If its still hurtful change your focus to someone who helps you be strong. We don’t …
Don’t let the world get you down, rejoice in your joy. People with big hearts sometimes get off guard and don’t see the bad in people. If you truly have a big heart, it is full with joy and too busy being happy than to be brought down with negativity. …
Being angry passes, being hurt lasts much longer. Anger can be controlled but getting hurt is like something drilling a hole inside your chest and keeps the pain inside. Hollowed space that needs to be filled up. ~ Mild Izzah As you get older though, your ability to endure pain and …
He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he, himself must pass. (Thomas Fuller) Have always tried to live by these words. It is hard sometimes but to harbor and carry a grudge, destroys you not the person who harmed you. ~ Dedra Edwards Open your eyes and peep into …
The one that has the most scar’s wins the game that life offers us. ~ Paul Reichert Wear it proud. It’s your badge of bravery. All of my scars come with epic stories. I love them. ~ Jocelyn Nokes Think of scars as beautiful because it means you survived; if you don’t …
Be humble and put yourself in other’s shoes. Be careful! throwing stones can come back and hit you even harder. It’s called karma. People would realize that more often, my trust has recently been hurt very deeply and “Sorry” can’t fix this one. ~ Edith Kayzer Same people who will tell …