Category: Hurt
Love never fails, problem is when we are hurt we don’t believe love is the answer. The love part of love doesn’t hurt, but with love comes a lot of other emotions too. But it is worth it in the end. Love stays and stays after the other person walks …
What you experience can make you a better person or a bitter person, your choice. ~ Beverly Cummins Difficulties or mistakes in the past, when handled properly and learned from in the correct way, certainly can breed strong changes and deep convictions in people who go and live great lives afterwards. …
We never trust our enemies, but our friends & loved once. Enemies can’t betray you and you wouldn’t care anyway, but when friends do, is the worst feeling ever. One of my recent lessons, but I learnt from this to depend less on friends and more on me. This way …
Everyone has that strength to stand up again and rebuild themselves. It’s just a matter of time and sometimes we need those supportive kind of people and neglect the ones who would put us down. Life is always with its ups and downs. It only stops at certain point that …
It feels like the world itself has been lifted off your shoulders. ~ Vickie Taylor Sometimes we don’t realize the weights others have put on us till we feel the freedom of its release. Once the weight is lifted you got to ask yourself why you took so long. ~ Suk Flowers
Be the person that you were created to be, walk away and don’t look back, keep your light shine. Start with the positive list about the people if you have to work it out. If its still hurtful change your focus to someone who helps you be strong. We don’t …