Category: Heart

Care Feelings Heart

When someone really cares

If they don’t make an effort nor an excuse, simply believe that they really don’t care. No matter how busy they are, if they care, they’ll always find time for you. I have to examine my own behavior when I find myself “making excuses.” Sometimes it has nothing to do …
Care Heart Thoughts Wisdom

People can say they care

Sometimes the proof is there when you’re looking in the wrong direction. ~ Antasha Marbley Love never fails. It is the people who fail. They fail to keep promises. They fail to tell truth. They fail to trust each other. ~ Janet Lacasse  The problem is that people believe things they hear without knowing …
Heart Life

Cherish those who you have in your Life

Enjoy every moment you can with them because those moments will be the only memories you will have to cherish and share with others. Don’t take time for granted. In a few minutes or hours your life can change forever. Believe me I know Ladies and gentlemen, love and respect …
Care Family Heart Love

What is Parenting?

They grow up very very fast seems like last week going to ball games with my oldest. Now I’m playing with his two daughters, my granddaughters. ~ Earl Dawson  Wish we could have back those days when the children were young and could hear laughter all around. So enjoy now because …