Category: Heart
They grow up very very fast seems like last week going to ball games with my oldest. Now I’m playing with his two daughters, my granddaughters. ~ Earl Dawson Wish we could have back those days when the children were young and could hear laughter all around. So enjoy now because …
Make you feel like you are the bad person when you stopped without appreciating all what you have given to them and that just shows a lack of respect for everything you have done ~ Ana Alvarez Those are the people you need to stop doing things for because they don’t appreciate …
Some people don’t go with their gut instincts because they are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings or being rude. ~ Cathy Smith
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by the heart. ~ Hellen Keller We close the eyes so we can feel with our 6th sense, which is love, the essence of the soul that is seating in …
Anger is a human emotion telling us something is out of alignment with our values. Whilst we can’t control our emotions, we can learn to control our reactions to our emotions. Raise your awareness to why you are angry and think of good ways you can react. That way you’re …
Emotions are a bit like traffic signals, never to be ignored. Always pay attention to them and accept they are there for a purpose. Emotions show empathy and isn’t that what being human is all about. ~ Unknown For those people who tell you that you are being “over-sensitive” and that …