Category: Heart
Sit and talk with a homeless person for a day,you may find out a lot about yourself and others as you sit look and listen to what is being said and what you may see I did this for a week and I got unexpected education from it and a …
They simply know that even if they told what’s in their heart nobody can really understand but some just say, “Oh that’s ok just be patience” and others might just deafen their ears and ignore. ~ Noor Saad They have been trained to know when speaking up will be received warmly …
Judging people obstructs your path to God, keep it clear by keeping your mind on God and Jesus at all times. Drop the expectations of other people, one’s expectation is not necessarily the other persons. ~ Marobe Marobe Judging someone else does not describe who THEY are, It describes who …
True love is not a substitute for loneliness, which many cannot seem to find, but when they get lonely they find a partner for a night. Learn to live alone, so love can be found and peace be obtained. ~ David Horyn When the heart is ready you have no …
Whatever other says or thinks about you, that needn’t need to be your life’s reality but it does matter, what you says or think about yourself as it determines your quality of life. If any negative toxic people has problem with your good quality of life then no need to …
Love is an emotion you feel in your heart for someone, but yet you see the younger generations acting like love is sex, well it is not and the sooner society wakes up to that fact the sooner their relationships will last 50 + years instead of 5 months. Don’t …