Category: Heart
We are friends, through the bad times and the good times, through sickness and hard times when nothing seems to go right. We can be ill and cranky, or happy and we still care about each other. That is what real friends do for each other. ~ Linda Flanders Life has …
Hugging is the best medicine to heal a broken heart. A silent hug shares emotion and releases pain. ~ Jean Hamer It gives mutual happiness; silent way of saying ‘you are loved!’ ~ James Tehrani A Silent hug is sometimes better than anything one could say sometimes. You never know what someone …
The best company in life is yourself. Until you can be happy and comfortable in your own skin alone, you shouldn’t be with anyone. Sacrificing your spirit for codependency will kill you internally. ~ Unknown You may feel lonely and your heart weights heavy with the emotional isolation, yet this is a …
True a hug to all from this end of the world to your world all over. ~ Marjorie Fitzmaurice There is not replacement or greater feeling, then human touch/hug. ~ Dean Merritt No matter what a person’s age everybody has a breaking point and sometimes all they need is a hug is …
A true friend is the one that there’s no need of the language but can understand each other. ~ Bella Macalaguim The joy of friendship is that it is exactly what you both need from each other and it happens naturally. ~ Cathy Somerder A true friend is also one that you …
People will love you for who you are. If someone doesn’t like you as you are, their loss. If you did not do anything wrong for my appearance there’s nothing to be apologized. ~ Rosina Panganiban I do apologize for offending or unintentionally hurt someone by my words which I did …