Category: Heart
My Husband held my hand everyday. Made me laugh everyday, made me giggle before falling asleep. Held me so close every night. Together 24/7/365 & only 1 real fight in 6 years. Loved him since I was 15. God blessed me with the greatest love of my life. God called him Home but I feel him. …
No matter what others are thinking of me, this is what I feel when I rest my head on my pillow every night. ~ Unknown Other people may try to make your heart as cold as theirs, but as long as you stay true to yourself you are the winner! …
I’ve learned one in life that our troubles can make us or break us. Do we run to God or do we run from him. I choose to run to him. For that’s where my strength lies. ~ Rowena Duncan It takes a broken heart to get a open mind after …
People are connected by the energy they bring to each other. Positive energy always drives a positive effect. Miles may be many but heart connections doesn’t count miles and never needs how far they are. Heart feels they are with you all the time. A phone will all it take …
The heart never forgets, true love never dies, sometimes it hurts when you remember certain people who were in your life and you lost them. ~ Ron Mansell
One door closes so another one can open. Sometimes you keep trying and trying to reach out and they just don’t care so you have to dust the dust from your shoes and move forward. ~ Eleanora Rivera Unfortunately sometimes we discover this later and tell ourselves how come I didn’t …