Category: Happiness
You don’t need things to make you happy, if you think you do, your looking in the wrong place for happiness. Being happy because bad things are happening to other people is a false equivalence and honestly, makes you a bad person. You should feel sad that those people are …
Happiness is a fleeing emotion. The key is to strive to sustain joy and that is done by always seeking & ‘feeling’ grateful for something no matter the external circumstances.
We all just need a little Me time every now and then!
Stay away from NEGATIVITY! If you can figure out the amount of time you deal with negativity, and instead use that time for God, you will feel a big difference in your life. ~ Belinda Castle
When you know and feel that, there is a calmness that comes over you. I have the power, but for me acceptance & letting go still allow me to remember the good times. This is how I choose happiness. ~ Valerie Demers
You always have choices. You may not like the choices, but there’s always choices! You have the power to change your life. Yes, I agree it’s not smart to quit your job without another one lined up or a way to live till then. However you can start looking for …