Category: Happiness

Care Happiness People

What is Happiness?

If what they’re saying or thinking about you is not true or not important, just laugh it off, focus of doing what is right, and be happy. Sure, nobody could turn you down, unless you allow them. ~ Sunny Ramel I don’t care and mind if these people around me …
Happiness Love Yourself

You can’t force anyone to love you

I am what I am. Love or hate me its still me. Even you give all the kindness to the world. There’s still people who doesn’t like you. Respect it you can’t please everyone, but don’t ever blame them. This is how life goes take it or live it miserably. …
Gratitude Happiness Smile

Be Happy with the little you have

Always Learn To Appreciate the Simple Things In Life. The Best Things In Life Are Simple & Priceless. The Air We Breathe, the Wonderful & Amazing Friends that We Have. Our Amazing Family Circle. Also, the Gift of BLESSED Life. Our BLESSED & Good Health. Our Free WILL. ~ Clifford …
Choice Happiness Life Smile Yourself

Be Happy ! Be who you want to be

Happiness is a state of mind and not related to material possessions , fame or family environment. Being happy is a matter of choice and requires attitude of happiness irrespective of circumstances. Don’t change this attitude by being affected by people surrounding you who if not happy want to drag …