Category: Happiness

Friendship Happiness

The Best Therapy in the World

Nothing better than being with friends who love each other unconditionally. It is the quality of friends that matter most. So if you have a handful of friends or less, they are all you need. You never know when or where old friends will pop back into your life, but …
Happiness Relationship Time Yourself

If things don’t feel right

You’re never lonely when you’re with someone you enjoy being with. That includes yourself. Being alone with yourself is better than being with a jerk. ~ Victoria Mack  When your with someone and you feel so lonely and there’s no talking, no intimacy. It will be better off by myself. ~ Nancy …

For every minute you are Angry

Being angry just takes way too much energy. What time you loose cannot be recounted. Smile and move on. If you allow them to get you upset, you’ve given them control over you for as long as you are upset. Words said in anger cannot be taken back. Be impeccable …
Happiness Life Worry Yourself

Live Life without stress and worries

Happiness is all about perspective. To be happy is to be at peace within yourself and live day to day in the now enjoying our family and health, that’s my happiness. Follow three rules “Don’t criticise; Don’t Compare & Don’t Complain” in your life. Happiness is the greatest gift in …