Category: Happiness
This beautiful people are always in your heart. It shows their caring and concern. I am so thankful for those that are in my life. ~ Jackie Berkey It is sad when you can admit to yourself that you can spot those who aren’t able to share in your happiness but …
The happiness of the one you love is the thing that matters most. If you are able to do so, it means that you are not selfish and therefore such person is priceless and true hearted. ~ Timo Tadial
It took me a long time to not feel guilty for living my life for myself. I had a lot of family and friends who wanted me to be something I wasn’t. It feels good to do what is right for me. To finally feel comfortable in my own skin. …
Like tap water. Even in this day and age, many people still have to travel great distances just to get some drinking water. ~ Flora Garsain A shelter, a roof over your head, food in our stomachs, loving family and friends. ~ Fran Doremus The whole world is struggling for some or …
It’s time to erase all the sadness from our life. Be happy whenever you can and don’t forget that life is still beautiful. The only person that can ever truly make you happy is yourself. Stop depending on everyone else. Just laugh as much as you can because one day …
When people are rude, they are usually miserable with themselves. They usually recognize their rudeness in the face of your kindness. ~ Elaine Wilhelm Have inner peace and happiness within yourself. When you found that nothing else matters around you. Everything will fall in right places & you don’t have to …