Category: Happiness

Good Happiness Lesson Learned Life

Never blame anyone in your life

Whatever happened in your life be thankful of what you become. I just never blame any person in my life because all of people gave me experience in my life especially bad people. ~ Sindrell Ahmed  The best people give great memories because they’ve been through life experience. They are the …
Gratitude Happiness Life

What is a meaningful Life?

No matter what you do for some people or how much you care some just don’t want to know. ~ Gail Collie Don’t waste your precious time on people that don’t want it. Spend it on those that appreciate your effort and bring you joy.
Happiness Peace

Happiness is like a butterfly

Love is like the wings of a butterfly, fragile and delicate-one needs to handle with gentleness. Stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy the things that you have. It will fill your heart and soul with love. Just the other day with a new found Friend, who was a yogi and …