Category: Gratitude
Living in the moment is the key to true happiness. It’s the flip-side, both sides of the coin We can’t have one without the other. ~ Rachael Johnson Always be grateful and never take anything for granted. One never knows what one has until one loses it. The fact you have to …
Don’t take that someone for granted that she/he might not walked out on you. ~ Norma Powell Mothers and fathers do what we can’t believe for us to obtain all what we want. ~ Omar Elhamdani Sometimes, you just need to look at the mirror and you’ll find that perfect person. Having …
The water will never pass the same place again. However, with water you can get up, move downstream, and indeed touch the same water again. Maybe someday we will understand time well enough to do the same thing. ~ John Sill Life goes by faster than we think. Don’t let time …
The journey of discovery is to see with new eyes. Real joy comes from the heart. I have been preaching to friends and family, be happy and content with small and simple things in life. They don’t cost much and most of them are free, ready to be explored, the wonders …
Some may never appreciate you even when they’ve lost you. If you want to free someone, forgive. If you want to free yourself, forget. A lot of people will never or rarely appreciate you. Even they lose you, they won’t care, they will just live their life happily. ~ Vitchaya Thanarojanawong Don’t …
Thank you Lord for knowing my heart. You are all that matters. ~ Amanda Jones I don’t need to defend myself, God knows my heart. Nothing can keep a secret. ~ Rose See God knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows our path. No one really knows, unless they’ve …