Category: Gratitude

Giving Gratitude

The worst person to be around

It’s our responsibility to surround ourselves with good, diverse and positive people who challenge us to be better. Continuous self betterment. ~ Julie King  It could be the best person to be around at that moment because it will remind me to be grateful and appreciative for what I have. Everyone …
Gratitude Relationship Respect

Breakups Hurt

The only thing you lost was time wasted on someone who never deserved you. You have to allow yourself to grieve what could have been instead of what really was. In any relationship, respect comes first, then trust which equals to love and follows fun and happiness.  This quote is …
Care Gratitude Heart Love Peace

Love is not about possession

Don’t love someone who is beautiful, but love the one who can make your life beautiful. A great lesson in happiness through the joy of freedom. Through moderation in and detachment from all that we love; in the non-permanence and transitional nature of our very existence. ~ Hashim El-Tinay  The difference …
Good Gratitude Life

No matter how Good or Bad your Life is

70 percent of the population who thinks negatively and some don’t even realize it. Always start out with a smile and hope for the best. You just have to try to dodge and avoid unfavorable people and situations. Do whatever so you can control your positive outcome. ~ Pam Doering  I …