Category: Gratitude
Those difficult people are the ones we need to learn what not to be, unhappy antisocial people will always exist. Once a friend told me that difficult people exist to redeem us from our sins. ~ Maria Ines As many as they can come your way, good or bad, it is …
It’s almost bewildering, but we tend to feel a pull towards certain individuals; almost like your intuition tells you this person is important. ~ Shalena Gill Strongest bond in the whole universe is the bond between two pure and loving hearts. If someone is made for you, he/she will find a …
It’s our responsibility to surround ourselves with good, diverse and positive people who challenge us to be better. Continuous self betterment. ~ Julie King It could be the best person to be around at that moment because it will remind me to be grateful and appreciative for what I have. Everyone …
Doing something that gets someone else to smile is one of life’s greatest rewards. Some selfless people find joy and happiness in giving and helping others. It’s how they are wired and I see nothing wrong in that. ~ Victoria Mack The replenishment is Grace, provided by the God. It really …
Don’t ever forget your own self respect. Life is just to short to have to keep proving ones self to others. Whether someone likes you or not is really none of your business, only you have to like you. Worry about the if all the time and you miss out on …
The only thing you lost was time wasted on someone who never deserved you. You have to allow yourself to grieve what could have been instead of what really was. In any relationship, respect comes first, then trust which equals to love and follows fun and happiness. This quote is …