Category: Gratitude

Gratitude Time

People spend too much time looking for more

What I most desire are true friends. Have enough acquaintances. ~ Nita Singh  The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything. If you just look around and see what you already have and think about others would love to have of what you …
Feelings Gratitude

When someone appreciates everything about you

Someone in this world will appreciate your worth. I love to do things for others, to show my love. When it goes unappreciated, it hurts so much. When you do those same nice things for someone else/others who actually appreciate your kind gestures, it inspires me to never stop being …
Gratitude Happiness

Things we take for granted

Like tap water. Even in this day and age, many people still have to travel great distances just to get some drinking water. ~ Flora Garsain  A shelter, a roof over your head, food in our stomachs, loving family and friends. ~ Fran Doremus The whole world is struggling for some or …