Category: Gratitude

Family Friendship Gratitude

Dreams that turned into reality

Dreams that turned into reality – Wisdom Life Quotes I am thankful for each and every day God gives me with my cancer, but miss so much being with my friends back home to share them with. I wish now we had been able to spend more time with them …
Good Gratitude

You need to forget what’s gone in life

You need to forget what’s gone in life… Stay positive with yourself. We all have had some type of hardship, but we made it and keep making it each day becoming stronger than we were. ~ Stella Parrot You have to be positive in order to bring the best things …
Gratitude Yourself

Things to give up in our life

Definitely good things to keep in mind, but nobody is perfect. If we find that we’re complaining or showing self-doubt, we can’t beat ourselves up for it. We need to be kind to ourselves, realize that we’ve done it and continue to love ourselves as best we can. ~ Aletha Wild  …
Gratitude Life

When some things go wrong in life

Lots of us spend too much time looking at what’s wrong. Spend more time looking for good you will find it! Several groups of friends invited me to be with them; one person treated me like I don’t exist. That hurt so much, but why focus on that one? So …