Category: Gratitude
Your mercies are new every morning. Thank you Lord for a fresh start. One day at a time, putting you first, walking in agreement with you, walking in love and instant forgiveness, with an attitude of gratitude, carrying the word of God in one hand, and the shield of faith …
When you express your gratitude and appreciation, you will receive much more by the Law of Attraction. But if you feel that others are living better than you, or if you live your life with a complaining attitude about your circumstances, health, money, or whatever, you will attract more negativity …
Be always thankful and you’ll see what you have dreamt of come true.
That person is and always will be YOU! It’s very difficult to be good to everyone. You can’t satisfy everyone in your life, so be yourself. If you do good you will be appreciated and it is up to you how long you can be in image of being good.
This is the time to practice unconditional love and allow them to be who they are and walk away with a good feeling, not feeling hurt or angry, but allowing them to be who they are. This will represent for them a different response that may just awaken them from …
I’ll never will get the love off him I want and deserve. It’s not possible for him to see and to appreciate the love I have for him and what he has and losing now only because he will not let himself helping by a psychology. So with lots off …