Category: Good
Just know that things can only get better. You will now begin to get stronger as each day passes, so spread your wings now fly. ~ Dawn Hall Don’t expect so you will not be disappointed! Never let an opportunity embarrass you. The wait could be longer than we expect, but …
Learn to live alone and love it. Those also fly in the right direction. Such a empty feeling being with someone and still feeling all alone. ~ Annette Lange Until you find one who inspires you to soar even higher. The wind beneath your wings. ~ Juanita Alvarez I always fly solo, …
A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. It is better to have someone tell you the truth even if it’s an enemy than to have your friend lie to you. A friend who lies to you becomes ‘nothing important’ in your life. Life is too short! Count it …
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt by the heart. ~ Hellen Keller We close the eyes so we can feel with our 6th sense, which is love, the essence of the soul that is seating in …
The only way to fully overcome fear is to put yourself right in the middle of what you are afraid of. Only then, when you prove you can handle it, will the fear dissolve. ~ Janet Pfeiffer Too many people who live in the past, sheltered present or just not interested …
Good things are coming down the road, just trust God to help you choose the ones he wants for your life and the wisdom to know what’s to leave on the road and walk away. ~ Alton Baker I will not stop walking until I will reach the endpoint of my life …