Category: Friendship
People do change, and things go wrong, life can take you in different directions, but your true friends will always change with you not against you. There are times that people’s actions can really reveal their true nature because a true friend no matter the circumstances will stand with you. …
If they are gone, they were meant to be gone. If they are still in your life, they are suppose to be. It’s just too bad we don’t recognize it when were young. It’s when we’re older we can start relating and understanding. ~ Brenda Topolewski Sometimes it can take years …
Not many people pay attention to the little things that really mean a lot. They remember because they are looking at you with their heart and not just their eyes. ~ Bruce Jensen Be nicer to find someone who respects how you feel and listens. ~ Michael Martin These days where people …
It takes absence to truly value and cherish presence. We don’t tell people often enough that we miss their smiles. When my absence doesn’t alter your life then my presence has no meaning in your life.
Sometimes someone you think is nice may be hiding under sheep’s clothing! My mom used to say, ” Don’t cry wolf unless there is a wolf, pretty soon people won’t come running to save you.” ~ Claire Bryant Sometimes those friends whom we trust and put our best interest at heart …
Better to have loved & lost then to not have loved at all. Sometimes someone comes into your life and helps you find yourself. Losing those people may hurt more than finding yourself, but the pain will subside and you have become a better person. ~ Loree Devine