Category: Friendship
Relationships like love, sex and marriage often do exist outside the realm where two souls sing in harmony. So to find someone singing the same melody can be separate. If your soul mate is your spouse then you have a rare relationship. I tip my hat to you. May God …
Let’s have a Law that says you can only stay with the same person or same job of same place for 5 years. You have to change one of them every 5 years and never the same one in succession. A bit like presidents in the USA. Life would be …
Pour your coffee; then phone your best friend. Sometimes having a baking day with your best friend, is all the therapy you need!
Don’t trust words, trust actions! The important thing is to remain truthful to yourself and move forward. Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. We’ve been married for 36 years, have had our ups and downs but never a guilty secret has …