Category: Friendship
Some pretend to be your friend but they are not, behind you they back stab. Choose your friends wisely. Keep your friend close and your enemies closer. You may have many friends but true friend among the many friends will be very few probably as many as the fingers …
There’s only a limit to be in anybody’s life beyond that is impossible and in certain relationships there are boundaries which should not to be crossed. If crossed than there will be major changes in life which can’t be repaired at all then later after that regretting nothing can be …
It is very difficult to find true people, let alone friends, they fool us but they can’t fool GOD. ~ Maro Makasjian True ones automatically comes to help you rather than fake ones. Fake ones only know you when they want something. Fake friends stick around during the brightest moments but disappear …
That’s how I felt about my husband once I met him I knew I would be with him forever. The Lord took him away. I miss him more than words can say. I love you sunshine. ~ Mary Schweigert You met 10 persons & you always love that one person who doesn’t …
Make friend with yourself you will never be alone. I’m 21, working two jobs and I’m a licensed hair stylist for VA while also working to become a nurse practitioner. My main goal in life is my career. I am very anti love, anti relationship anti kids and anti marriage. …
Some never know fallen, unfortunately they are so into themselves they never notice! Friends like that are hard to come by! Don’t take them for granted because once they’re gone they can never be replaced! To have a friend you have to be a friend. Life is strange no one …