Category: Forgiveness
Either I will forgive or I won’t, much less energy and stress to forgive. Not forgiving is poison to you mind and body. ~ Sandra Adamson Forgiving with the mind is what impairers people from forgiving and forgetting. The mind does not and will not allow the matter to settle. It’s a …
Actually, I just need to forgive myself for harboring resentment and then I have to realize that I’m the only one who can let it go, and I have the power to do that. Forgiveness implies that the pain I’m still putting myself through for a past injustice is still …
I don’t think someone’s darkness meant that he/she was a mean person to you and you had to forgive. I think it means that when you meet someone, everything’s easy because you know nothing, but the more you know them, the less perfect they appear, but you forgive them their doubts, …