Category: Feelings
Time heals and experience teaches that the secret of happiness is in service to others. ~ Feyza Kondu Certain people may never change. Pray for patience, tolerance and acceptance. Trust is something that is earned, people can say trust me and once you let your guard down they take …
That person is real, but like all of us, the person has flaws. You have to be willing to accept one another’s flaws. Yes he exists! I’m lucky enough to be married to him and I count my lucky stars every day. Have waited a long time for him and …
This is what we hope for as we grow older. It’s what we tried to be for our families. ~ Geri Lenhart You can only help those that want to help themselves. Even if it means praying which is another type of support and care. Sometimes love from a distance is …
Everyone should love themselves. Forget all the negative people because people will love you, people will hate you and none of it really has anything got to do with you. What we sow, we reap. Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle. ~ Shelly Drennan When you love yourself, you love …
Nowadays we put things off, then blame others for results not happening to our own timelines. Life has become too fast, interaction is missed. When people wait for the right time they end up missing out on all the good people/times they could have had. Sometimes taking chances turns out …
Actually, I just need to forgive myself for harboring resentment and then I have to realize that I’m the only one who can let it go, and I have the power to do that. Forgiveness implies that the pain I’m still putting myself through for a past injustice is still …