Category: Feelings

Care Feelings Heart

When someone really cares

If they don’t make an effort nor an excuse, simply believe that they really don’t care. No matter how busy they are, if they care, they’ll always find time for you. I have to examine my own behavior when I find myself “making excuses.” Sometimes it has nothing to do …
Feelings Let go Move on Yourself

Trust what you feel & follow your instincts

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servants and has forgotten the gifts. ~ Albert Einstein This statement refers more to that “gut feeling”, the “red flags” that have no “reasonable basis in fact” that too often …
Feelings Gratitude

When someone appreciates everything about you

Someone in this world will appreciate your worth. I love to do things for others, to show my love. When it goes unappreciated, it hurts so much. When you do those same nice things for someone else/others who actually appreciate your kind gestures, it inspires me to never stop being …