Category: Feelings
Sometimes letting go is all you can do to protect your heart from anymore pain. ~ Diane Burt Sometimes fighting only drains you especially when only one of you is fighting. Let go and not fight in your next relationship because you both want it to work. Some people just treat …
Same situation & same actions. Words are just the beginning of hurt. Love is indeed a verb and is never a noun. There is a certain kind of feeling when you see an older couple being affectionate. That is Love! To just say that I love you is easy but …
Some people are very abusive and harmful to your body and spirit. The best recourse is to value yourself and your own feelings and choose to remove yourself from the situation or in some cases from their company. Value yourself enough to tell them to move on out of your …
You can buy a house but not a home. A home is a place where there is love and peace. Home is wherever you feel safest, surrounded by family or friends (pets included). It’s where you can truly be yourself, free from worry. It’s where all your memories reside because …
Everyone’s responsible for their own actions. Circumstances may be mitigated by different influences but ultimately we are responsible for our actions. We teach our children that our actions affect others lives. The way people treat you does have an affect on your choices. It’s part of being human. ~ Heather Galloway …
A lot of times. same man over and over again. ~ Mae Olimon Everyday! The moment I wake up and look at my baby. The first time I seen my husband of 54 years I loved him. He pasted away last year and I still love him. ~ Sue Walling My kids …