Category: Feelings
Every single day, but it is a good battle with two winners. The battle is always worth it because there will always be one to fight for. When we honor the vows we made to our spouse, family and Creator, we learn and grow together. Thereby, fortifying our own integrity as …
The people who are always trying to be there for others generally know what it means means to have nothing and or no one. We learned to give because we know what it feels like to have nothing. It is always good to be there for others. Giving/sharing means caring. …
That is when you are husband and wife. Marriage is the testing time for the love. If there’s love between both they will cherish every moment they spent together and also during hard times they support each to get through it. The best type of intimacy is only witnessed when …
It’s worse if you allow yourself to brood. It’s so important to fill your time and headspace with something else. Keep busy and let time do it’s work. Put distance there. It will always hurt, but gradually hurt less and less. ~ Anne Warby Emotions can hold you prisoner to situations …
If you find someone who is like that hold on tight because in today’s world they are so few of them. I wasn’t looking for another husband after being divorced 8 yrs from an abusive man. I met a man 15 yes younger than me at a church. He just …
People care, if only someone matters for them. Understand someone’s character by watching them how they treat somebody who has nothing to offer.