Category: Family
A mother’s love is unconditional and father God always answer her prayers, so to all the moms out there embrace your children tell them you love them each and every day, kids are truly a blessing from God. ~ Karen Walker From the bottom of my heart and soul, I’m not …
I never left it unsaid. You showed me the way, you always loved me in my good and bad times, you were the one I could go to with my very happy, sad, or bad news. You were my confidant in my adult years. I love you dad, always. ~ …
Even more precious are the arms of your grandchildren. What is more love then a child’s arms wrapped around your neck and those little kisses that is so sweet & priceless.
When you express your gratitude and appreciation, you will receive much more by the Law of Attraction. But if you feel that others are living better than you, or if you live your life with a complaining attitude about your circumstances, health, money, or whatever, you will attract more negativity …