Category: Family
Better to have loved & lost then to not have loved at all. Sometimes someone comes into your life and helps you find yourself. Losing those people may hurt more than finding yourself, but the pain will subside and you have become a better person. ~ Loree Devine
Friends are the families we choose” and we choose them because they do the function as your “family”. Holding hands is just as important so lets just remember touching others hearts is the important key to making a remarkable difference in the lives of others. Those who do most for …
Never sacrifice anyone else for selfish gain. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your heart and dignity for your family. They just don’t get you. Time will heal. ~ Ev Sherriffs Being faithful to your spouse. Don’t fall for someone else. You’ll be happy to love so truly, live a dignified life …
The people who love you and support you for who you are, are family regardless of blood. ~ Dave Spedding Isn’t it sad that there are so many broken families? If that is your situation, there comes a time when you must rise above the pain and go forth doing what …
Just close your eyes and feel the presence of such special person. There has not been a single day since my mother passed that seeming it has taken nothing special at all to happen and yet I genuinely have felt the pain of her earthly presence in my life. Perhaps …
Just because I am related to certain people, doesn’t mean I am obliged to have anything to do with some of those I prefer and chose to not be a part of my life for valid reasons, the same applies to people that have used me for their own selfish …