Category: Family

Family Gratitude Time

Be Thankful & remember how rich you are

When you express your gratitude and appreciation, you will receive much more by the Law of Attraction. But if you feel that others are living better than you, or if you live your life with a complaining attitude about your circumstances, health, money, or whatever, you will attract more negativity …
Family Love

Always love your mother

I’ve had three mothers – one gave birth to me – gave me up for adoption. One raised me and the third gave me the love and patience neither of the other two did. The things every child needs from somebody. ~ Diane Rejman  The mom you are too busy for …
Care Family Heart Love

What is Parenting?

They grow up very very fast seems like last week going to ball games with my oldest. Now I’m playing with his two daughters, my granddaughters. ~ Earl Dawson  Wish we could have back those days when the children were young and could hear laughter all around. So enjoy now because …