Category: Faith
Somehow, we tend to gravitate to a person who wants “only the best” for us.
We are given a choice to view the storms of our lives as a foundation for growth and strength or a stronghold for bitterness. Looking at these things as a foundation for growth and strength will make them the best things that happen to us. ~ Stephanie Sunde Sometimes the bad …
We are always at the place we need to be. Maybe it feels good, maybe not. We all have paths to walk & lessons to learn. Maybe we just need to encounter or experience something to later be an asset & guiding light for someone else. The world does not …
Change is good if your ready for it! Have faith and never give up. Nothing changes if nothing change.
Every day gives a new opportunity to turn the other way, you just have to do it! I turned around and I am so much happier now than ever. Thank you God, for giving me the strength and the courage to move on. I love me the way I am because …
Things will work out for you. We don’t know all the answers, etc or know why sometimes, but I do know if we just pray & have faith, God will work things out for us. This is just the beginning! ~ Patty Jackson The answers will come to you once …