Category: Faith
We are the children of God. Too often in our life challenges , We tend to forget this simple truth. We feel We have the ultimate power to do anything to accomplish our goal but We are just like puppet being directed by providence. Be in the habit of offering …
When We look around us , We see apparent paradox in life situations and people. We see many hard working people going nowhere and undeserving people getting rewards much greater than their ability and their work. The reason is , God’s life plan for everybody is different not apparent to …
What it is meant to be yours will be always yours. It’s will come back to you!
It’s about having respect for each other. Unfortunately some people have no respect for themselves or their partners. I’m guessing it’s those, that will end up very lonely. Either that or they meet some mug who will put up with it. Too many Peter pans out there! I’m looking for …
When you worry about the “what if”, you miss out on greater things outside the box. Life is too short, focus on the good things or you might end up losing it. Enjoy each day as it comes as it might be your last. Better instinct is to believe that …
It will be worth it in the end, but in between time, suffering happens. Being faithful to the end is worth “it”. The “in between time” commands faith and, mostly, hope (and a great support system). ~ Lydia Breer Success is sweet when it is earned with some pain and hardship. …