Category: Faith
You can’t make everything perfect or error less, may be it couldn’t see yet absolute but if it is worth pleasant for you no matter what the lacking it has or how much inadequate it is. ~ Dina Ismail Believers don’t care about proof, though, that’s why they call it …
I am building as I write. I am thinking Lord help me to see the doors you have opened for me today that help your light to shine even brighter on folk these days.
I NEVER give up on my dream because it’s in my blood to be successful in life. I always use my faith the lead and guide me from any and all crisis and I don’t have to worry about a thing. This is what I have learned while dealing with …
We are the children of God. Too often in our life challenges , We tend to forget this simple truth. We feel We have the ultimate power to do anything to accomplish our goal but We are just like puppet being directed by providence. Be in the habit of offering …
When We look around us , We see apparent paradox in life situations and people. We see many hard working people going nowhere and undeserving people getting rewards much greater than their ability and their work. The reason is , God’s life plan for everybody is different not apparent to …
What it is meant to be yours will be always yours. It’s will come back to you!