Category: Faith
Live and let go. The more you dwell on it, the more depressed you will be. Time heal all wounds. ~ Julie Armstrong When the day is over, it’s over weather you let it go or not. Don’t waste your time rehashing what you did or say. A complete waste of …
The answer will come when we least expect it. Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task a new. ~ Saint Francis de Sales I’m big on patience …
The present situation is not the final destination, we can make it pleasant or aggravating and frustrating. It’s all up to us. The final destination in this life is when you expire and you can choose your journey if you want to go to well travelled roads or the less …
Today will be that day, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. One step can make a big difference. Go on and take that step. Some steps are harder than others, but each is worth the strength & effort. ~ Gwen Sarvey A journey of a thousand miles starts with …
Just pray and God will show you the way. It’s all about the journey, take one day at a time. Live for today, it may be your last. Music for heart, praying for soul, life without emotion and without faith is an empty life. ~ Cecilia Ferreira Experience the power of …
Sometimes the reason is not for what you get from them but what they get from you. ~ Jen Burke It is not a coincidence, everything is planned for a reason. Our life is like a written language, it is who we are, make it better and more beautiful. ~ Arnold Tolentino …