Category: Faith

Belief Faith God

God always leads us to where we need to be

God is like our Parents always leads or tries to lead us along the correct path of life, but we, who are wayward children, refuse to listen &/or follow such parental instruction & therefore suffer the consequences of our misdeeds. Yet God, like our Parents, is a merciful & caring …
Belief Faith Good

Good things are coming down the road

Good things are coming down the road, just trust God to help you choose the ones he wants for your life and the wisdom to know what’s to leave on the road and walk away. ~ Alton Baker  I will not stop walking until I will reach the endpoint of my life …
Belief Faith Trust Wisdom

Don’t believe everything you hear

Get all your facts gather before making assumptions. People judge you with the first story. Everything happens for a reason. No one on earth has the right to judge anyone else, it’s God’s job. I’m very honest when it comes to the truth. People just don’t like the truth when …