Category: Faith
The only place I’ll always wanted to be is in the heart of the one who loves me so much. ~ Bathsheba Limbanganon I will be there, where I belong to, where my heart want. ~ Unknown If you are not happy with yourself, if you can not find happiness in …
Patience is the key! Timing is timing. It will happen or it won’t. Whether it’s meant or not is irrelevant. It might take a day, it might take a week or maybe more but if it’s meant to happen, it will always happen and find it’s way! Question of timing!
The ones who are meant to be in your life will always be there or come back and stay, one way or the other. You can forgive and you can forgive again and again, but you should not enable. You should not reward hurtful, wrong behavior when it’s repeated again …
I’ve been waiting for a kidney transplant for 10 years and finally got one January 16. So far so good. Don’t ever give up hope or faith. ~ Joan Salopek What is that special moment which is coming into the life with a positive thought? Is it someone special who really …
Sometimes we hold so tightly to what is wrong that what is right passes us right by! It is always better to have loved and lost, than have never loved. At the end we always have to let go, what we love, because we also have to go one day …
If you were meant to have it then it comes at the right time. If you rush to attain it before you’re ready physically or emotionally you won’t keep it long. ~ Jane Patton