Category: Change
It takes only a moment to choose the one who is waiting for you to simply ask, then starts that change! ~ Jacquie Cornwell A new day things can change for the better if you let it!
Everyone we meet in life is a teacher!
Pain is an opportunity to change and to grow, and trying to avoid it is a band aid, sooner or later will catch you! There are different kinds of pain, emotional, physical, and psychological. Everyone deals with if differently. Don’t judge anyone because you really don’t know what kind …
Change is good if your ready for it! Have faith and never give up. Nothing changes if nothing change.
I pray to my God every day to give me strength to go forward with a positive and loving heart. We must focus our future to step forward to make our dreams come true.
Stop trusting their words & ignoring their actions… Loving oneself self is one of the most important things a person can do. If you don’t love yourself, how do you love someone else! People do not change unless they choose by their own volition. People will take advantage of you, …