Category: Change
Change happened for me in less than 3 hours. A lightning caused wildfire came through our property and changed my life forever. Always be thankful for what you have and don’t forget the people that help you find courage and strength to move on when ‘Life happens.’ ~ Marilinn Poppler …
Many times life situation demands a change. Any change is made up of series of small changes like an olympic sprinter taking a series of long steps one at a time. Be aware of small changes you need to make in your life one at a time in a specific …
Everybody who has entered this earth’s journey is a unique soul carrying something within him from previous incarnations making him quite exclusive. There is nobody in this world like him. You are original piece. Don’t try to imitate others. Keep your originality. Don’t ever allow yourself to think you are …
When you love someone with all your heart , it is unconditional love. Everyone is different and unique and you need to accept your loved one as he or she is with all the imperfections . You are not perfect and you don’t have any right to impose your wishes …
We are destined to meet all kinds of people in our life everyday. Who We meet in life is determined by the Supreme God and influenced by our intense thoughts which shall materialize sooner or later. If you have desired something , someone will come in your life to propel …
Nobody can be immune to stormy situations in life. Most of the times these situations arise unexpectedly giving you little time to handle them. The way you handle them differentiates ordinary man from the real fighter. It also teaches you lessons of life which prove handy to handle future storms. …