Category: Change
Letting go of past will move us forward in a brighter successful life ahead. The past has already let go of you, so why not. Eyes forward and walk on folks. ~ David Velasquez You can’t move forward while looking over your shoulder. Don’t live in the past, and don’t try …
The best way to truly be sorry is to change. Sorry is enough when actions match words. Anybody can change for the better if that person wants change. ~ Walter Caston Some people just don’t get it. After a while sorry don’t mean anything. ~ Michelle Rodman Don’t say sorry unless you …
When you do all this, life gets better. It’s never to late to change. If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree. ~ Lynne Carpenter If you think the way you are going is wrong, change direction. The path is the way your life is. People might …
Even more amazing is how you can lift yourself back up. Do not allow the opinions or actions of other’s diminish your happiness. To get out of stress is the ability of a person to choose one thought over another. Never let anyone bring you down. It only makes you …
Always try to take the chance even though your past wasn’t the greatest. You take a person and accept them for who they are and whatever past, present or future they hold. Even the scariest of chances could be the greatest. ~ Jacki Grenier Took a chance. What an awesome …
No one knows your story, you can’t make everyone believe in you or change the way people feel so walk in your own shoes and let everyone else walk in theirs. Life is too short to try to change people’s minds about you. ~ Misty Hoskins If people hate us never …