Category: Change
Make that first big step a happy one and then keep going. It’s usually the deepest pain which empowers you to grow to your full potential. It’s the scary, stressful choices that end up being the most worthwhile. Without pain, there would be no change. But remember, pain, just like everything in …
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~ Chuck Swindoll Your attitude will determine your altitude. Silence is a positive response to negative comments. After you learn the lesson, stay away. No reason to allow anyone to upset your day. ~ Haley Morris …
Especially pain from those who were once the closest to you. Emotional pain or physical pain they can both be soothed by a LOVING GOD. One doesn’t understand if you don’t experience it. Pain mentality or physical change people. Pain can change people into good or bad depends how they …
If you go the wrong way, you can again correct it, but if you say something wrong to some one, you can never amend it completely. I have said things in the past that were not kind, but I have ask God to again forgive me and with his Grace, …
The only one you can change is you trying to change anyone else is wasted time. Sometimes you can’t change the people you love, even your family. You can’t be happy again if you don’t let go of something you can never change and is keeping you from feeling happiness …
Sometimes you have to remember that no matter how awful you think your problem is someone somewhere is suffering even more. ~ Melinda Coslett Life’s all about changes, hopefully for the better. In any life changing situation, we move on from what we used to be to one we hope to …