Category: Care
Nobody is your friend nobody. Your only friend is you. People have hidden agendas. When you open up to someone you think he is a friend, is that moment in time they are looking for, that moment of weakness to take what they want from you that isn’t meant for …
Also a good way to find out who your true friends are. When someone trusts you enough to share their weakness, don’t ever use that information to betray them. It is the most hurtful thing. ~ Jewel Aukerman One day I had an annual review at work and one of the …
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I will always be there for those whom wants me in their life and my door is always open. ~ Ganga Aeswari
If they are gone, they were meant to be gone. If they are still in your life, they are suppose to be. It’s just too bad we don’t recognize it when were young. It’s when we’re older we can start relating and understanding. ~ Brenda Topolewski Sometimes it can take years …
It’s better to be yourself and have no friends than to be like your friends and have no self. Don’t do it. If he’s not into you, doesn’t respect you, make time for you. Move on! Don’t waste your time. It really affects your self-esteem and confidence when you intuitively/instinctually …
An open heart will share the experience of love and oneness. A distrusting heart builds walls and separation. ~ Stuart Hall Closing the eyes of heart is simply a neurotic phenomena. The realities never fade, indeed the distance between us and it increases. ~ Hinddeep Purohit When heart dictate you to love …