Category: Care
100/100 Relationship! ~ Michelle Lavoie Both are equally responsible for each other’s care and happiness and should be. When one goes through a disability it is team work. If God was at the head of every home or relationship I am sure the world would be a totally different and much …
A lot of times. same man over and over again. ~ Mae Olimon Everyday! The moment I wake up and look at my baby. The first time I seen my husband of 54 years I loved him. He pasted away last year and I still love him. ~ Sue Walling My kids …
Sometimes the person trying gets tired of feeling like they keep hitting the brick wall at the end of a one way street while on the two lane highway. Keep loving and trying even when you want to give up because at some point they will realize what they are …
Nowadays people give up so easily. They focus on the bad instead of focusing on the good and positive things in the relationship. If more people would focus on the positive there would be less break ups and divorce.~ Kari Castillo There was never a perfect relationship. There will only be …
If they don’t make an effort nor an excuse, simply believe that they really don’t care. No matter how busy they are, if they care, they’ll always find time for you. I have to examine my own behavior when I find myself “making excuses.” Sometimes it has nothing to do …
People’s actions show everything no matter what they may say. People lie when they can’t admit to their own actions. Words are cheap and the person will always say what makes them look best. Watch and see what they do ( or already done ) Their actions show what’s …