Category: Care
Pain is an opportunity to change and to grow, and trying to avoid it is a band aid, sooner or later will catch you! There are different kinds of pain, emotional, physical, and psychological. Everyone deals with if differently. Don’t judge anyone because you really don’t know what kind …
Everyone from family and friends etc go through situations and issues that is part of life. We all make mistakes because it just happens, people need to be aware of family members and friends and how they deal with situations and how they treat people it usually isn’t the message …
Young people may experience what they feel are many loves in their lifetime before they find the right person. Love hurts sometimes. That’s life! ~ Linda Tingle
Always tell because no one knows what tomorrow brings! Sometimes we just take them for granted. It costs nothing, but the happiness that is felt is like waves of calming waters just soothing ones spirit and the heart fills with the warmth, all sun shiny days, no matter the darkened …
No one knows how long you or they have on this earth, so tell them as much as you can. ~ Vasi Ma Appreciate every moment you have with your loved ones. Yesterday was the past, today will soon be another yesterday. Embrace!
Don’t be tired of being yourself. Let them get tired of kicking you. Those people who judge, think they’re perfect, THEY ARE NOT! It’s great to find the real you. My life’s been a journey but a fantastic learning process and I wouldn’t change me, why should I. …