Category: Care
I am so thankful, for the most beautiful gift of my life, the love of my life and my best friend. I love you, more than anything on this earth. Together forever! ~ Linda Howell So lucky to have a husband that, opens the door, walks on street side to protect …
Stick to the ones who stick close to you. It’s not hard to know who truly loves and accepts you. I stopped trying with the ones who couldn’t care less, and focused my time & energy on those who do. ~ Terri Gibson Once it’s gone your too late & regret …
With an open heart all things are possible. Your ego, your intellect, your fears, your doubts are no longer in charge and the intelligence of love begins to flow through you unrestrained like a powerful river. ~ Rocky Roy
Amen to holding hands. Makes me feel so very SPECIAL. The older I get the better it makes me feel. I am very grateful to have someone that will hold my hand, open doors for me, etc. He is special to me. ~ Elizabeth Campbell Holding hands just to feel the …
Feelings that aren’t reciprocated can hurt so much. Continue to be someone who can be loved, and continue to love, with all your heart. Your feelings are your own, and it doesn’t matter if they aren’t returned. Focus on the positive effect they have on you. ~ Kate Sedgbeer There is …
My parents have been gone nearly nine and 14 years and I miss them every day. I was blessed to spend lots of time with them. So many won’t know what they had until theirs are no longer here. Blessed with no regrets and treasured memories! ~ Wendy Mozingo It …