Category: Care
They know what it feels like to have nothing. ~ Angela Freeman It is the small things in life that matter the most. It is from his heart. ~ Debbie Cernoch Having a heart is more than anyone could ever give sometimes people forget that poor people have a heart …
If what they’re saying or thinking about you is not true or not important, just laugh it off, focus of doing what is right, and be happy. Sure, nobody could turn you down, unless you allow them. ~ Sunny Ramel I don’t care and mind if these people around me …
They simply know that even if they told what’s in their heart nobody can really understand but some just say, “Oh that’s ok just be patience” and others might just deafen their ears and ignore. ~ Noor Saad They have been trained to know when speaking up will be received warmly …
God has created amazing human body . Both hands , both legs , both eyes and both ears are complete combination but heart is only one probably half of what it is meant to be. The other half belongs to your soulmate somewhere in this World who is just waiting …
Relationships don’t have to be complicated. You should just give yourself the best gift. If some has a negative opinion they can walk away. ~ Shayna Pullman
When you see a whole flock of sheep blindly following and going one way and then you see another sheep wandering down it’s own path – that sheep is me! ~ Susan Sutton It feels so good to be yourself and having no pretence just to fit into a group. I …