Category: Care
Unconditionally love is when you see with your heart. Love is the answer, doesn’t matter what the question is. It’s all about Love and respecting one another, making peace with one self and other. Starts within one self. For the sake of mankind. Faith and compassion. ~ Esperanza Vizoso Having people …
In those times when we are down, we need a friend to listen, a shock absorber, a hand to hold on & not necessarily to help as in other aspects. Sometimes they just want you there and that’s a big gift to them already. ~ Schubert Restituto As a psychotherapist …
Tender loving care, the world needs more of it. ~ Kathy Nash Love can make simple things and simple people appear significant and important. ~ Villarin Edna Every person, like that “sad” tree, needs a little love. A hug, a touch, and a smile. Try it today some place. Be …
Remember to honor the child that is still within each person. ~ Dawn Ostgaard Anything a child gives you, should be treated like it was diamonds. I still have a bead cross necklace my son made for me at church when he was little. He is now 34, cherish it all, …
Don’t ever mistake a wink from me for friendliness. I might have just cringed when I was unfortunate to look at you. ~ Diane Nolasco Unfortunately some people will just cross the line, mainly with kind, calm quiet people, so I’ve learnt to practice ‘tough love’, in order to 1. Protect …
There is more happiness in giving than receiving. It gives a certain feeling of happiness if you help someone. It feels good to help someone but not out of pity, just give a hand it costs nothing. ~ Deborah Jane Giving is the best form of receiving. A hug is …