Category: Care

Care Heart Kindness People

Kindness and manners are free

Sow blessings, and blessings will ripen,Sow hatred, and hatred will grow;Sow mercy and reap sweet compassion,You’ll reap whatsoever you sow. A good attitude will not only go a long ways, but it also healthy. Being nice is fun. When some people realize this ,then we will have a better world.
Care Heart Kindness People

Be kind to unkind people

Be kind to everyone but if someone is being rude or hateful just because they can, then I will remove myself from the situation or try my best to ignore them. If it’s at work, I try to stay professional. For family, those people are cut off and not in …
Care Giving Heart Trust

Never Cheat the one who Trusts you

Never misuse people. Don’t make yourself so busy that you can never help others. Never cheat anyone, ever. Remember others as you want to be remembered. Say ‘Busy’, may be the best excuse to avoid someone. ~ Kitty Yeo  I said busy to the one who needed me and have regretted …
Care Love Time

The Greatest Gift you can give someone

60% give, 40% take. In a good relationship, that means 40% give, 40% take, and 20% give together. ~ Kevin Bowman  Your gift in return is the good feeling of helping someone. You can’t control the recipients level of appreciation, but you can feel awesome about your gift. Its up to …