Category: Care
Taking care of others and kindness is my job. I´m a nurse and I love it. ~ Corinna Hahn No matter how you feel about a person still show kindness. Caring for others to me is a way of life & I’m grateful to God for this gift. I try my …
There’s only a limit to be in anybody’s life beyond that is impossible and in certain relationships there are boundaries which should not to be crossed. If crossed than there will be major changes in life which can’t be repaired at all then later after that regretting nothing can be …
People are connected by the energy they bring to each other. Positive energy always drives a positive effect. Miles may be many but heart connections doesn’t count miles and never needs how far they are. Heart feels they are with you all the time. A phone will all it take …
One door closes so another one can open. Sometimes you keep trying and trying to reach out and they just don’t care so you have to dust the dust from your shoes and move forward. ~ Eleanora Rivera Unfortunately sometimes we discover this later and tell ourselves how come I didn’t …
One always has time for the things they put first. The sad thing is if you make time and the other doesn’t care because anything else is more important. ~ Daniel Edele If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an …
This is the time to practice unconditional love and allow them to be who they are and walk away with a good feeling, not feeling hurt or angry, but allowing them to be who they are. This will represent for them a different response that may just awaken them from …