Category: Belief
Patience is a virtue and god will make things happen all in good time. If something is not happening for you it doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. It means you’re not ready for it. It’s important to remember that if something isn’t working, you shouldn’t just give up. …
Is it because we recognize in them something beautiful or familiar that we have known before? Say in another life ? ~ Wendy Neill Attraction can be instant but love takes time to mature and grow. Eyes let you see instantly but your heart tells you when it is time to …
Doesn’t matter what the rumor might be either, and real friends will always have your back. Real friends don’t believe everything they hear and give the benefit of the doubt. ~ Shirley Williams Real friends are those who love you no matter what and believe in you and stay by your …
Heart is the only machine of the universe that speaks truth. It’s amazing how two hearts can be reunited and usually by following your passion. ~ Belinda Crawford Sometimes it’s best to close one door so another will open. My heart is leading me in the right direction but my brain …
These people make you feel like you are better than you are. Nothing can compare with that. In fact the only time you feel bad with people like this in your life is when you don’t get to be around them. ~ Tuomas Pietikainen When you find a true friend you …
We can talk the talk but we need to walk the walk. Do Unto Others, as You Would Have Them do Unto You. What ever you Belief. Your reactions are a reflection of your believes. Can’t separate them from each others. ~ Nadia Alhassoun Believe in good things and your behavior …